
Saturday, November 2, 2019



A five week challenge adding structure and support cultivating the habits and behaviors that amplify energy, focus, vitality, peak performance and overall life enjoyment. Nov 18th - Dec 22.

Another coaching group will launch Jan 6th 2020 limited to sixteen people. Use the current enrollment form to secure your place in the next group.  

CLICK HERE to launch a quick email + text to get my attention and schedule a phone call with me. Or go directly to the ENROLLMENT FORM
ABOVE: Watch overview of the program.


How does the most heroic version of you respond to family challenges, work challenges, life's challenges in general?

How do you currently handle the obstacles, roadblocks and circumstances that are bound to present themselves day to day?

Is there a GAP between the the most heroic version of you and the current version of you?

Of course there is! As it should be. No one is perfect.

However, it is in the pursuit of your highest ideals... stepping closer and closer to what you are capable of becoming that true life satisfaction is experienced.

Are you actively in a daily pursuit of that most heroic, most energized, giving and present version of yourself?

Or have you become sidetracked and currently feeling depleted in regards to you reservoir of physical and mental energy, patience, and well-being?


If you decide to accept this invitation... We will begin this program with survey asking you to rate yourself on some key aspects of your life. You'll rate your self on a scale of 1-10 on present level of identification with the statement at the beginning of the program. You'll answer these same questions again at the end of the 5 weeks to document your progress.

  • There are significant gaps between what I say is most important to me in my life and how I actually allocate my time and energy.
  • I don’t work out enough (meaning cardiovascular training at least three times a week and strength training at least twice a week).
  • I don’t have enough time with my family and loved ones, and when I’m with them, I’m not always really with them.
  • I frequently find myself feeling irritable, impatient, or anxious at work, especially when work is demanding.
  • etc....

It's our quality of energy that fulfills our intentions in terms of life, love and work. The higher the quality of our physical and mental energy the more we can give to our family, friends, co-workers, interests, or service. With no or low energy these things will suffer.


Energy is the foundation of our performance. The higher our energy the better our performance. 

Are you consistently taking action on the practices that build healthy sustainable energy?

I am not here to convince you that you need 7-9 hours of sleep. If you are still defending 4-5 hours of sleep and aren't open to finding ways of increasing duration and quality of sleep - consider reading the main ideas behind WHY WE SLEEP and THE SLEEP REVOLUTION 

I am here to help add structure and support IF you are open the PRACTICE of getting more sleep. This means being willing to become aware of your current habits and practice doing your best developing new ones.

I am not here to convince you that you need to be exercising 4-5 times a week. If you are still making excuses that you are too busy to move your body into your aerobic zone and embrace strength training  -  consider reading the main ideas in SPARK and NO SWEAT
I am here to help add structure and support IF you are clear on the infinite physical, mental, and emotional benefits of exercise and want to experience how amazing it feels like to become consistent. This means being willing to become aware of your current habits which are keeping you from exercise and practice doing your best developing new habits.

TRACKING and REPORTING: We will be using ARBOLEAF to track and report our bio-metrics (weight, body fat, lean mass, etc...)

We will be using the honor system in terms of exercise. If you want to track your workouts via an app and share this is optional. Those choosing to train with Camp Gladiator will have their check in record.

I am not here to convince you that you need to pay attention to what you eat... to limit alcohol, processed foods, sugar, white flour... If you are still defending the imbalance / excess - consider reading the main ideas in THE OVER-FAT PANDEMIC
I am here to help add structure and support IF you are clear on the health benefits of proper nutrition and calorie intake to create healthy energy, body composition, to fight disease, infection, and fatigue. IF you want to experience how amazing it feels like to become consistent, to make progress toward your ideal body composition. This means being willing to become aware of your current habits around food and practice doing your best developing new habits.

TRACKING and REPORTING: We will be using MyFitnessPal to track and report our nutirtion. I am not open to the use of other apps for this program.

Get your initial body composition numbers, caloric needs assessment and coaching setting up MyFitnessPal... See Times and Locations on ENROLLMENT FORM

During the weeks of the challenge, I will have an ARBOLEAF Smart Scale with me at all times. I am also working to find a local organization that will allow me to place a device on site so that my coaching clients may come and go during regular business hours. 

The benefits are indisputable. However, most people struggle to develop any kind of practice to derive any benefit. Building a meditation practice will be a part of this program. I will teach and encourage a simple breathing awareness meditation practice. 

I am not here to convince you that daily mediation is beneficial.  If you aren't open to exploring how meditation can benefit you - consider reading the main ideas behind WHY MEDITATE
5 Min Per Day
I am here to help add structure and support IF you are open to the mental, physical, emotional, and psychological benefits of meditation and want to personally experience how becoming consistent feels. This means being willing to learn, practice and become aware of the habits which will attempt to keeping you from practice doing your best developing this habit. 

TRACKING and REPORTING: We will be using Insight Timer to track and report our meditation. I am open to the use of other apps.

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Meditation
Drop in blood pressure, Drop in blood cholesterol, Cures insomnia. Decreased anxiety and binge eating. Reduction in perceived stress. Improvement in the immune profiles. Greater optimism, and better self-control. Healthier self image....

Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. We must not permit anything to stand between us and the book that could change our lives. - Jim Rhon
Words nourish the mind. Words nourish the soul.

I am not here to convince you that you need to be reading or listening to something inspiring, encouraging and positive daily. If you are still resistant to the idea -  consider reading the suggestions in THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLES and ATOMIC HABITS

One Summary Per Week
I am here to help add structure and support  for getting in touch with some of the best work from the best minds to help you become your best. That's a lot of BESTS.  Each summary is condensed to a 6  page pdf and 20-25 min audio.

Here is a sample of the weekly reading content we will be working with.


This book summary, along with The One Thing, will be preparation work before the official start of the program on Nov 18th.

At the end of each week you'll be asked to share the following with me:

Which of the 6-10 BIG IDEAS resonates with you MOST? Why? How specifically can you use this wisdom to optimize some aspect of your life?

Some basic understanding of technology is required to participate in this program. You will need to know how to take screen captures from your smart phone and upload them where directed. All of the above apps are free to download and the functional usage for our purposes is also free. 
Arboleaf App
Myfitnesspal App
Insight Timer App
PDF Viewer
Audio MP3 Player
Screen Captures / Uploads
Google Forms
Optional Apps: ScreenTime, Camp Gladiator App

If you feel that you can benefit by the structure and support outlined here but have some questions send me a quick message. We'll schedule a one on one chat where I can get your feedback and discuss any questions you might have about the program.

CLICK HERE to launch a quick email+ text to get my attention and schedule a phone call with me.

If you feel that you would benefit from the program as outlined, simply complete the enrollment form here: ENROLL NOW

The pilot coaching program is $75 (Nov 18th - Dec 22nd) payable to Joshua Hodnett. Electronic payments only accepted.  (Venmo, Square Cash, Zelle, PayPal, etc.. ) Instructions included in enrollment form. If you choose to train with me / Camp Gladiator for your exercise component - which I highly encourage - the rate is an additional $75 payable to Camp Gladiator. See below*. (Nov 18th - Dec 14th)

A refundable $30 deposit is required to hold your spot. There are FIVE spots available. All funds due by Nov 17th. No late admissions will be accepted.
The coaching component comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the program simply request to be removed and you will be refunded in full in 7-10 days.  
Payments to Camp Gladiator are non refundable.

You are welcome to try Camp Gladiator FREE for ONE WEEK before committing to the program for four weeks.
Special Holiday Offer (Nov 4th - Dec 1st) New or Returning clients that commit to CG BOLD 6,12 or 24 will receive the remainder of 2019 FREE. First BOLD payment will be delayed until Jan 6th 2020.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

ENERGY (Time) Management

ENERGY (Time) Management 
Time management is really about managing your energy and attention in a world of distractions. Here are some resources that have helped me in my efforts to optimize my energy and attention.


This worksheet is my guiding tool. It helps me to set clear intentions and targets for the day. 
This is a distillation of the best practices I've found that help me stay focused and feeling successful. 
Here are some links to TOOLS that might help you become more aware of where you are vs. where you want to be. 

Energy Audit: We have multiple sources of energy... physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. When we are lacking in any of these areas we aren't able to perform at our best. Complete this quick 16 question survey from The Energy Project.  

Time Tracking: Build awareness of how you are actually using you time vs how you intend to use your time. Do this for a week or more. Practice closing this gap. 
Below are a collection of book summaries (6 pages each) and short videos (2+- min) related the the subject of energy / time management. 


“Going small” is ignoring all the things you could do and doing what you should do. It’s recognizing that not all things matter equally and finding the things that matter most. It’s a tighter way to connect what you do with what you want. It’s realizing that extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus. The way to get the most out of your work and your life is to go as small as possible... When you go as small as possible, you’ll be staring at one thing. And that’s the point.”


THE #1 Power Tool for Great Days and a Great Life (You Using Them?)

Ruthlessly focus on what you need to do TODAY to make that ONE Thing a reality. Just figuring out what your ONE Thing is (over the long run and today) obviously takes a lot of Deep Work.


“The Deep Work Hypothesis: The ability to perform deep work is becoming
increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in
our economy. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it
the core of their working life, will thrive.
The book has two goals, pursued in two parts. The first, tackled in Part 1, is to
convince you that the deep work hypothesis is true. The second, tackled in Part
2, is to teach you how to take advantage of this reality by training your brain and
transforming your work habits to place deep work at the core of your professional


How to Escape Shallowville and Go Deep. Want to crank out some GREAT work in a very efficient period of time? Jack up the intensity (!) of your focus. How? Deep Work.


Here’s the idea: We know that THE #1 obstacle to getting a good night of sleep is using your technology way too late. (We also know that, unfortunately, most people do that.)


“At the end of the workday, shut down your consideration of work issues until the next morning —no after-dinner e-mail check, no mental replays of conversations, and no scheming about how you’ll handle an upcoming challenge; shut down work thinking completely. 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

“I believe that a life of integrity is the most fundamental source of personal worth. I do not agree with the popular success literature that says that self-esteem is primarily a matter of mind set, of attitude—that you can psych yourself into peace of mind. Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles
and values and in no other way.”


FOUR QUADRANTS: Some things matter and other things don’t. Highly Effective People know the difference and they “Put First Things First.” As Goethe said: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” Invest time in IMPORTANT - NOT URGENT.  


“What started out as a two-person support group morphed into a close friendship
founded upon a shared interest in the science of performance. We became curious: Is healthy, sustainable peak performance possible? If so, how? What’s the secret? What, if any, are the principles underlying great performance? How can people like us—which is to say, just about anyone—adopt them?
Consumed by these questions, we did what any scientist and journalist would do. We scoured the literature and spoke with countless great performers across various capabilities and domains—from mathematicians to scientists to artists to athletes—in search of answers. And like so many other reckless ideas conceived over a few glasses of alcohol, this book was born."


Today we’re going to talk about some more research into the #1 disruptor of our peak performance. Can you guess what it is? Yep. Your smartphone. Having a smartphone out while you’re working (even if it’s not your phone!!) diminishes the quality of your work.


American’s check their phones EIGHT BILLION (!!!) times PER DAY. “We have been losing our ability to pay attention to what we smell and taste. Instead we are absorbed in our smartphones and computers. We are more interested in what is happening in cyberspace than in what is happening down the street.


“To sit down each day and work on bringing ideas into existence that might inspire someone (even it’s only yourself) and that require time, effort, energy, and engagement . . . that is at the heart of what it means to be creative. The work becomes our source of questions, answers and meaning. It challenges us, causes us
to grow, energizes, revitalizes, reveals, and heals. Creativity is our oxygen supply. We don’t wait for inspiration to strike. We don’t wait until we’re in the mood. We are disciplined, focused, persistent, and courageous. And we trust that if we show up, our muse will, too. It’s not one piece of work, one moment in time, one burst of inspiration, but a daily practice and process that we are committed to for a lifetime."


“Constantly giving in to digital distractions, mindlessly shifting our attention from app to app and website to website” “turns us into what Cal Newport refers to as ‘the cognitive equivalent of being an athlete who smokes.’ Our harmless ‘checks’ while waiting in line at the grocery store or boarding a flight are not as harmless as we might imagine.


Getting the Information You Need and the Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying Your Colleagues, and Destroying Your Soul. 

"We want our technologies to extend our minds and augment our abilities, not break up our minds. Such control is within our reach. Rather than being forced into a state of perpetual distraction, with all the unhappiness and discontent such a state creates, we can approach information technologies in a way that is mindful and nearly effortless and that contributes to our ability to focus, be creative, and be happy."


Track your time. Specifically, track all the time you spend engaged with media—in ALL its forms: from social media sites to apps (especially THAT app!) and news and email and games on your phone to TV, video games and blog reading and more email and news on your computer, etc., etc., etc. Got it? Now compare your media diary with that list of stuff you want to do.


Let’s go back to this question: “How much more time, energy, and pure brainpower would you have available if you drastically cut your media consumption?” Track how you spend your time for a day or a week and do the math. How much time can you reclaim?


“To lead others you must first lead yourself. That, ultimately, is the theme of this book. Leadership, as Dwight Eisenhower defined it, is ‘the art of getting someone else to do something that you want done because he wants to do it.’ That does not mean that leadership amounts to using people; like anyone else, a leader must recognize that each person is an end in himself. It means, instead, to make others embrace your goals as their own. But to do that you must first determine your goals. And you must do that with enough clarity and conviction to hold fast to your goals— even when, inevitably, there are great pressures to yield from them. To develop that clarity and conviction of purpose, and the moral courage to sustain it through adversity, requires something that one might not associate with leadership. That something is solitude.”


“Solitude is a state of mind, a space where you can focus on your own thoughts without distraction, with a power to bring mind and soul together in clear-eyed conviction. Like a great wave that saturates everything in its path, however, handheld devices and other media now leave us awash with the thoughts of others. We are losing solitude without even realizing it.  


“If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don’t want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.Habits are like the atoms of our lives. Each one is a fundamental unit that contributes to your overall improvement. At first, these tiny routines seem insignificant, but soon they build on each other and fuel bigger wins that multiply
to a degree that far outweighs the cost of their initial investment. They are both small and mighty."

Friday, March 4, 2016


REAL QUICK - before it's too late

The most common problem people have in getting healthy and fit is JUST GETTING STARTED.

It is so easy to say "I can't afford it".
Well, you can't use that excuse this month.
We've removed that barrier for this month to help you SPRING INTO ACTION.
 Here is how it works. The more you show up the less you pay.
OK - you know the deal.
Send me a text 8175381007 that you got it done and I'll remind you Sat the 12th to get going!   
My best, Joshua

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

BEEN MISSING CAMP? I am going to BRIBE YOU to come see me.

You have been sent this link because you haven't made it to camp yet this month. It bums me out to see this. If you don't make it to camp I am 99.9% certain you aren't getting any closer to your health and fitness goals. In fact, I am 99.9% certain that you are backsliding and getting further and further away from where you say you want to be. Yes, there are a few of you that are getting the job done with home workouts, training for a marathon, etc.. but we both know that isn't the majority. We also both know the workouts are a reward enough when you do them. Your job is to show up and let me guide you. My goal is to help you live and healthier, happier life, to help you reach your potential and help make you do what you know you need to. 

I can have NO IMPACT on your life when we don't see each other.
My texts haven't worked. My emails haven't worked...
SO, I am going BRIBE you to take better care of yourself.  
I am going to pay one of you $79 to come see me. I am going to raffle off $79 CASH on March 5th ONLY for those that have NOT ATTENDED from Feb 22nd back 2+ weeks or more. To qualify you must attend 2 sessions between today and March 5th. If the session is not with me you must take a pic with the location trainer and send or tag me to qualify.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Back on Track Participants

Click here to see a collection of new client posts in the Challenge Group. Keep in mind you aren't seeing the comments, replies, recommendations and support associated with each of these posts.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Getting Back Up

I was working on sharing the idea with my private coaching clients that we are ALL SELF MADE. Only the successful OWN it. However, the unsuccessful are also self made. We make ourselves with every choice in every moment. We all get knocked down BUT not all of us GET BACK UP.
This clip brought me to tears this morning as I reflected on my journey of getting knocked down... in 2008 bankruptcy and divorce. Tears of pain, loss, loneliness, doubt and those same tears have within them joy, faith and persistence that helped me rebuild from the ashes of a 12 year real estate career.

Monday, January 18, 2016

THE MOST Important component for success...

See Video Message From Me Josh.

When you sign up send me a text that says either BOLD 6 or BOLD 12  (817-538-1007) You don't want to miss this opportunity to pay NOTHING today, AND get some great BONUSES! 

I wanted to let you know your options for keeping up this momentum you've started. I want you back Feb 8th and beyond. CG is something that everyone NEEDS in their life, and IRON SHARPENS IRON, the veterans campers want you back also. We make each other better!

Here is the article I refereced in the video: please read it.

Excerpt from article
"Finding people to share your journey.
Permanent lifestyle changes happen in relationships. Whether they take place with peers, a coach, family, friends, coworkers, the other anonymous people at the meetings, or the other new recruits who joined the Marine Corps with you, new habits happen when people get together and help each other out...this all-important, #1 habit, “Creating a community of consistency.”

I DO NOT want you to be the person that starts a NEW YEARS RESOLUTION, then falls off after 1 month!!!
FITNESS is a journey and takes time. You are just getting started. Camps 2, 3, 4 and BEYOND is where you will start to FEEL stronger, LOOK better, and where your HEALTH will truly improve.

FYI: You will not be charged anything until February 1st!!

Here are your options….

BOLD6 - $79/ month (6 months of workouts)
  • $79 will come out on the 1st of the month for 6 months. 
  • you can freeze your account ONCE with BOLD6 
BOLD12 - $69/ month (12 months of workouts)
  • $69 will come out on the 1st of each month for 12 months. 
  • you can freeze your account 2 TIMES with BOLD12. 
  • You receive 1 FREE camp to give to a friend ($189 value). 
  • PLUS, a ton of other EXCLUSIVE REWARDS. 

HEB ISD EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT - all HEBISD employees receive an additional discount.

SPOUSE DISCOUNT - We also have the spouse discount.  If your significant other wants to join, they only pay $35!

Here's what you NORMALLY get with your BOLD membership

*Reward Points - get PAID to workout. 
*Store discounts  
*2 Account Freeze options 
*Unlimited workouts 
*24/7 access to your trainer 
*Access to our 5th week of workouts (BOLD)

Here's MY GIFT to you, if you sign up by THURSDAY 19th 9 PM Get the above PLUS this...
2 - CG Shirts (1 BOLD + 1 Exclusive Shirt from me)
1 - Camp Gladiator Water Bottle
1 - CG Wrist Band 
1- FREE Week of Nutrition Coaching and Accountability. 
1 - FREE camp to give away ($189 value)

When you sign up send me a text that says either BOLD 6 or BOLD 12  (817-538-1007) You don't want to miss this opportunity to pay NOTHING today, AND get some great BONUSES!

I am passionate about my calling, this program and what we can do together.

Log in to your account: NATION ACCOUNT and select your BOLD option. Enter billing info etc.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any help! I'll see you this week!

Your personal trainer,
BE BOLD!!! Learn more at