
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

BEEN MISSING CAMP? I am going to BRIBE YOU to come see me.

You have been sent this link because you haven't made it to camp yet this month. It bums me out to see this. If you don't make it to camp I am 99.9% certain you aren't getting any closer to your health and fitness goals. In fact, I am 99.9% certain that you are backsliding and getting further and further away from where you say you want to be. Yes, there are a few of you that are getting the job done with home workouts, training for a marathon, etc.. but we both know that isn't the majority. We also both know the workouts are a reward enough when you do them. Your job is to show up and let me guide you. My goal is to help you live and healthier, happier life, to help you reach your potential and help make you do what you know you need to. 

I can have NO IMPACT on your life when we don't see each other.
My texts haven't worked. My emails haven't worked...
SO, I am going BRIBE you to take better care of yourself.  
I am going to pay one of you $79 to come see me. I am going to raffle off $79 CASH on March 5th ONLY for those that have NOT ATTENDED from Feb 22nd back 2+ weeks or more. To qualify you must attend 2 sessions between today and March 5th. If the session is not with me you must take a pic with the location trainer and send or tag me to qualify.

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