Welcome - I am Joshua (Trainer and Coach) I am the top 1% of Beachbody Coaches Nationwide. I have helped 100's of people lose 1,000's of pounds. Perhaps I can help you too this Holiday Season.
This page is dedicated to helping people LEARN more about the Healthiest Holiday In History Project Beginning on Dec 1st 2014.
CLICK HERE to express your interest in learning more. You will be taken to the Official Event Page to connect with me Joshua others who are open to learning more and living a more healthy and rewarding life starting December 1st.
The purpose of the Healthiest Holiday In History Project is to help those ready and willing to learn and practice the fundamentals of sound nutrition and movement. To avoid the usual holiday weight gain and empty New Years Resolutions.
Participation in the group will result in fat loss greater energy, vitality and ever increasing states of health and well-being. In short – YOU WILL REACH YOUR GOALS
I KNOW you can do it! It isn’t about perfection. It IS about doing your best… learning from your mistakes… making adjustments and taking new action.
TESTIMONIAL: This is my friend and now also fitness professional Kasey Clark. This is great video illustrating the journey that begins with you deciding on a path... and committing to seeing it through.
I am going to help match you to the correct program that best fits your personal goals. There are programs for beginners, intermediate and elite athletes. Some programs focus on functional training, other on high intensity interval and metabolic conditioning, others on core balance and stability... Some are 25-30 minutes others 60+ Minutes.
Here is an example of 21 Day Fix A 30 Min In Home BOOTCAMP style program for ALL fitness levels.
Below is a graphical representation. CLICK HERE for a complete listing of programs
Reminder - CLICK HERE to express your interest in learning more. You will be taken to the Official Event Page to connect with me Joshua others who are open to learning more and living a more healthy and rewarding life starting December 1st.
Accountability requires participation. Accountability can not exist in a vacuum. The accountability process I have developed over years of Coaching aides my clients in helping them stay aware of their goals, strengthens their mental and emotional resolve to reach their goals and reminds and nudges them when they fall off the path we have established.
DAILY CHECKIN: Every day you will report your activity and nutrition on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 Best. If you did what you set out to do that is a 10. Watch this video for an example of how to Checkin.

Reminder - CLICK HERE to express your interest in learning more. You will be taken to the Official Event Page to connect with me Joshua others who are open to learning more and living a more healthy and rewarding life starting December 1st.
Accountability requires participation. Accountability can not exist in a vacuum. The accountability process I have developed over years of Coaching aides my clients in helping them stay aware of their goals, strengthens their mental and emotional resolve to reach their goals and reminds and nudges them when they fall off the path we have established.
DAILY CHECKIN: Every day you will report your activity and nutrition on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 Best. If you did what you set out to do that is a 10. Watch this video for an example of how to Checkin.
TEXT: Every day I will send a check in reminder to you along with a special quote of the day. It is not necessary that you check in at the time the reminder comes across. It is a good idea to schedule 3-5 minutes at the beginning or end for your day each day to reflect on how you are doing and post your check-in on the private group page.
TESTIMONIAL: This is the journey I am inviting you to take. It is so much more than just about exercise and nutrition:
TESTIMONIAL: This is the journey I am inviting you to take. It is so much more than just about exercise and nutrition:
What you put in your body is critical for best results. What you hear is true: Nutrition / what and when we fuel our bodies is 4x’s more important than exercise when it come to fat loss. You can not out run your fork. I have linked a VERY SIMPLE approach to nutrition that will help you get the most from your program. You will get a custom plan for your individual needs based on your current health and fitness and activity level. You will be planning ahead and timing of your meals with a simple process.
IMPORTANT: You and I will need to connect and decide what your weekly workout burn will be. We will feed you according to the number of workouts you are committed to in a given week.
Your chosen FITNESS PROGRAM will also come with daily nutritional support of Shakeology. This is a natural super-food formula that helps detoxify the body, lose weight, regulate blood chemistry and help you get the best results from your overall efforts.
More on Shakeology Here
Scientific Research For the Benefits of Exercise
Download the Book Summary of SPARK The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain BY JOHN J. RATEY, M.D.
Dr. Walter M. Bortz, one of the world’s leading experts on aging and author of Dare to Be 100! puts it this way: “The tremendous value that physical exercise provides to your body is established beyond any reasonable doubt. Dr. Bob Butler said, “If there was a drug that provided all the benefits that exercise does, the whole world would be taking it.” Of course, there is no such drug; the value of exercise must come from an activity program of your own devising and accomplishment. You cannot delegate exercise, and you can’t get something for nothing.” Back to Ratey: “If everyone knew that exercise worked as well as Zoloft, I think we could put a real dent in the disease.”
“Just keep in mind that the more stress you have, the more your body needs to move to keep your brain running smoothly.” ~ John Ratey, M.D.
“If you have a tendency toward addictive behavior it’s vital to develop some sort of consistent exercise habit.” ~ John Ratey, M.D.
REMINDER :) - CLICK HERE to express your interest in learning more. You will be taken to the Official Event Page to connect with me Joshua others who are open to learning more and living a more healthy and rewarding life starting December 1st.
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