
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

P90X3 IS HERE. Get Ripped in 30 Minutes Per Day! Start Jan 6th.

Want to Get Ripped in 30 Minutes a Day?
We Start on January 6th Get Your Program Now!

Join Me! I am going to DO IT with YOU!

Message From Trainer and Coach Joshua

Order Link: P90X3 -Challenge Pack Order

Visit this page for more on how I facilitate and Coach my clients in a Challenge Group.
Challenge Results and Invitation

Right now, you have the chance to get Tony Horton's new breakthrough fitness program, and FREE SHIPPING.

P90X3 combines a highly structured, plateau-busting schedule with an unprecedented variety of moves that help keep every muscle challenged for 30 Minutes of full-throttle intensity. It's a whole workout in half the time

Offer expires December 31.

Order by December 15, and you'll receive P90X3 and a FREE hat by December 24

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